• Teacher helping student with art project

    Teacher reading to young students


Elementary School Information

  • Elementary School (3rd - 5th Grade) Program Information

    The St. Michael School of Clayton is influenced by the Reggio Approach and place-based education. Our third through fifth grade teachers and students develop skills and strategies to support them for success in future educational endeavors. Students experience Spanish, P.E., Science, Studio Arts, Performing Arts, Reading and Math on a daily basis. By working in small groups and collaborating, children are empowered to be vested in the learning process. The children and teachers explore and research by participating in Learning Journeys off campus where they develop a deeper understanding of the curriculum being studied. For example, while studying the state of Missouri for its 200th year celebration, the fifth graders traveled across the state from St. Louis to Kansas City by Amtrak following the Great River Road. This experience and the research that led up to the trip developed an enduring understanding lasting a lifetime. 
    Third through fifth grade go on numerous Learning Journeys throughout the year, including but not limited to Shaw Nature Reserve, Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, The Green Center, swimming, skating, skiing and learning to cycle, navigating Forest Park and the City streets. 
    The Reggio approach and our place-based education connects us with our surrounding community and their leaders. Service learning is important to the education of our students. Students and teachers make a difference by volunteering and offering services to provide help for those in need within our community.